Friday, June 26, 2009

Okae. I know I said everything after PSLE in my replying to tags.
And if you're lucky I happened to pass by yur blog, maybe a tag fer you.
This is just to say that everything includes: blogging, linking etc.
I had the time so thought might as well just post 1 post.
I finally had the time, able to finish hw and read a book.
Actually I've got one more man hua(comic)
But I cant really be bothered to do it.
I dun really think many people will come.
Mostly the tags are for me to link, relink and tag.
Anyway, afte PSLE. Dun get the wrong idea that I am tring to act guai.
But I am indeed little worried about my T-score.
So yeah, that's about all!
i am gong to visit other blogs now.
But I dun thnk I will tag.


8:33 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, January 2, 2009

This is gonna be about today.
Woke up at like 5.50 which gives me about only 5 hoursof sleep.
Then went to bathe,change,eat like a little breakfast.
Then wait fer schoolbus(small).
Then was so glad that Claire Yeoh came,at least I have like someone to talk to.
Then later got 2 really talkative boys.
Then went to canteen and did not see Celyne.
So went to buy milo first then when going back saw Shannon.
So tok toher for awhile then Jas came.
Then tok tok tok...
Saw Lin Chiat,her bro is so really cute.
Then went to Parade Square to help out.
Bring the P1's up to their classes.
Then like bring 3 times then no need to go les.
Cos I did not go that early just to avoid haing to goup and down so many times.
So I think Monday will go early to help out.
Then went to Parade square fer flagraising.
Ale and Jas did,me and YC stood behind.
Then RN did mic.
Then went back to hall.
Mr Goh was our form teacher.
Mr Teo teach 6R.
6T and 6L got their p5 teachers.
Lucky of them.
But Mr Goh is like supr funny too.
But I think my class will just make him angry and there goes funny lessons.
Sitting closest to the door next to Ale.
Pity YC as she has to st next to Sydney Yong.
Then at 8.30,chinese teacher Zhuang laoshi came in.
I dun like her to be like my chinese teacher.
Then RN asked me,Jas,Ale,YC,Alex and Amir to go find prefects at other levels.
So gd,I can skip like a little of chinese.
hen at 9 me at the AV theatre.
Then Mr Neo tok about all the prefects stuff that I have been listening to since P3.
Head:Yeo Rae Nyse(unity)
Ass Head:Joanne Chen Shu Ling(love)
Hui Xin(unity)
Was kindof shock that Jas and YC not seniors.
But then cos oni got 2 from every level.
Then went fer recces.
Then had free time.
Went to hall to listen to Mrs Cheng tok tok tok...
Was like falling asleep.
Then Mr Hoy tok about rules and regulations that I have listened to 6 times,including this year.
Then went to buy bubble tea with Jas and Ale.
Sat bus 16 with Jas and got home like 1 hour later cos bus took really long to come.
Then came home eat lunch and watch tv.
Then like sleep until dinner eat watch tv bathe and now blogging.
gtg,sis wanna use com.


6:19 AM sprinklinq love Y

I am actually not suppose to like blog.
But then cos teacher's let us off fer the weekend.(no homework)
And this friday is not counted in the 10 wks of school so it is an extra day and I believe I should be let off.
Gonna blog about my New Year.
On New Year's Eve went to Aunt's house,as usual.
Then eat,talk and played a little bit of Wii.
Then when like 11=,we watch the countdown.
This year the champagne was pink and not say like veriii bitter.
Then like my Aunt was like counting beween the indoor and outdoorbut she was like kindof late by a second.
Then went on Skype to see sousin and uncle's brother in other countries.
Then came home at like 1+ or 2.
Woke up like 8 hors later.
Eat,bathe and went out to his kindof small Itlian restaurant.
Then my cousins and Aunts and Uncles all have not arrived yet.
Did not wanna walk around so stayed like 1 person in that restaurant sitting at a long table.
Then later when everyone came including Paige(4 year old little girl).
They served 2 pizzas,clam,black ink squid pasta,bacon fats,sotong(kalimari,dunno how to spell),rib eye,tiramsu and some chocolate thinggy.
The bacon fats is super oily.
Then later parents invited Paige and her parents to my house.
She went to the park to play so went with her.
Then she is so super flexible like almost can do flips and cling herself with like 1 hand on herself.
Then later she went home and I went to bathe.
Then skipped dinner andhad like supper at 9+
Ordered McDonald's.
Then could not sleep until like 122 but ended up tokkin to sis until like almost 1,I think.

6:08 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, December 26, 2008

(continued from last post)
cos this one is midnight so it's chrismas.
so spent the first few moments of christmas in church.
After mass,we went back to Aunt's house for supper.
Ate mee siam and kueh pai ti.
One of my cousin's friends got drunk and was lying on the road outside.
Then later he went in and i think slept.
Last year oso got one friend got drunkbut he slept in the toilet:]
Then went home at about 3.
Of cos the first thing I did was run to the tree and open pezzies:]
Got lots of stuff,cant be bothered to list all out.
Then went to bed at about 4.
I was kinda of lcky to be able to sleep in.
Unlike my Aunt hu had to wake up at 7.30 to go to church.
And my other Aunt hu slept at 5 and was suppose to wake up to go to chuch but did not.
So she went in the evening in order to sleep.
So at like 11,my mom was shouting:"Wake up,late already!"
Cos we had to go to Mom's godma's house and cousin's grandparents hose fer lunch.
Then we eat eat eat until like 3 then go home and sleep:]
Oh yeah,be4 that.
We tried booking Twilight at Tampines,then they say cannot.
So we book at Great world City,then they oso say cannot.
Then later they sms say both places we oso ot tickets.
Then my Aunt had to go down to Tampines to cancel and get refund.
And ended up not getting to sleep.
She hardly ever slept in that 2 days.
Cos she cameback from Italy on 24th.
So we slept and ot p just inime to watch the move Twilight.
It was kinda of nice.
Then after that we went to eat at Kenny Rodgers.
I think it's like that,i 4got.
Came home at like 10+.
Then stayed up til like 3 to watch tv.
Woke up today at like 10.
Then bathe,eat.
Then I buffered my nails but hey do not look as shiny.
And then cut my nails.
And now I am chtting and blogging:]


1:45 AM sprinklinq love Y

On monday oni had tuition than nothing elso le.
On Tuesday,I tidied up my room.
I spent 5 hours which is freakingly long.
But I like took out all the drawers and clean clean clean.
Then I managed to make out 1 drawer fer all my p5 stuff.
I kept all the textbooks and workbooks.
Now let's talk about Christmas Eve and Christmas.
I stayed up like alomost he whole night so the ost should betogether.
Had tuton on Christmas Eve and then sis helped me towrap my books.
Then later Aunt came to fetch me and sis to my other Aunt's house to help prepare fer the dinner.
Then went there andAunt said to early.
So I played Wii with cousin's.
Got 2 guitar's and drum and mic.
the singing is real hard so I dun like singing and all the songs i dunno.
Then the drums is kinda ofhard to control.
So the guitaris the best.
Then my cousin's cousin was there.
She is 4 and really cute too.
But then she have not like "warm up" with us yet so did not really play wif her.
Then Aunt went ome to take cam.
Then laer on we play play play until my Aunt said too noisy.
So we stopped and then help wif the food while cousin's help wif the tables and chairs.
But it started raining and had to move everything in.
Sad lahs.
Then later the little girl came with her stinky pillow and she was really cute.
Trying to make everyone smell it.
So we 3 cousins sit there and pinch lots of food.
There was some stuffing in salmon.
Bread with 2 different types of stuffing and mushroom on top.
then later we played Wii again while waiting fer uncle and family to come.
Then when all came we started eating.
Then later little girl warm up wif us le.
So we played with her.
And then got desert.
Had pana cota and chocolae fondue.
litlle girl,ok he name is paige.
Paige accidentally poked her finger while poking stuff onto sticks fer the fondue.
Luckily got no blood.
Then we ate fondue.
Sat next to her and help her.
She ate until whole mouth oso got chocolate.
Then her dad came wif a beetle.
Then she went to put it in a container and went aroung showing it to everyone.
Then we all sat together tok about my cousin's trip to Italy.
Then she came back wif 2 more snails in the container,so she went around showing it to everyone again.
It was like 11.15 so we all left fer church.
(continued in next post)


1:18 AM sprinklinq love Y

Welcome to
Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-

Ngee Ann Primary School
5 Unity

Everlastiinq Friends
Everlastiinq Love
Everlastiinq Family
Loves neo-printing
Loves bubble tea
Loves new things

act cool people
act cute people
irritating people

Take NEO wif friends
More Clothes
More Bags
1st - Merlinda's burfdae
8th - Kor's burfdae
30th - Bammby's burfdae
12th - Mona's burfdae
20th - Alefiyah's burfdae
24th - Shannon's burfdae
28th - Sarah and Ms Tan's burfdae
8th - Cheryl's burfdae
22th - Eleen's burfdae
31th - Hui Qi and Twin sis burfdae
2nd - my burfdae
9th - Phoebe's burfdae
12th - Jasmine's burfdae
23rd - Mom's burfdae
30th - Rae Nyse's burfdae
3rd - Jie's burfdae
15th - Hai Xin's burfdae
28th - Yin Ci's burfdae
13th - Jocelyn's burfdae
24th - Dad's burfdae


Cbox web: Cbox

Adele Alefiyah Brenda Cheryl Claire Dacie Darelle Deborah Eleen Faith Hai Xin Hui Qi Jennifer Jia Xin Jing En Jocelyn Jolene Kai Shyan Khairyani Kimberly Lucia Micaela Monik Pamela Rae Nyse SarahLing Sean Seika Wen Shan Wan Wen Wen Qing Ya Qi Yuning
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
June 2009


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Fonts by: Dafont
Brushes by: Atomica
Picture by: Clara (I've forgotten the web, but i noe is clara)
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Tutorials: Vintage Melody