Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today morning blogging so early.
Cause the school made me wake up early in the morning just to do the I-learn.
Unfortunately,the survey dun have so u want this next year.
Cause if got,I sure tick no one,
Only like me,alefiyah and jia xin online.
So sad,right?
Later maybe wanna go to aunty's house.
Maybe wanna go out.
I dun like going out wif family.
Only sometimes.
But it is definitely 10 times better than I-learn.
All homework during the holidays.


7:32 PM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I todae very happy lehs.
Morning no school.
Cause chinese teacher9chen lao shi) sick.
Then Maths and Science teacher9Mrs Kua)oso sick.
Actually,my English teacher(Miss Tan)oso a bit sick but she still come.
Wat happen?
Sick season?
Then take bus that time,raining very heavily.
So unlucky.
Then I come at the time when school over.
So everyone squeezing out when I am trying to come in.
Oso so unlucky.
Should have come a bit later.
But maid say gonna rain.
So I come ealier.
But still rain.
So sad.
I met Bammby and Alefiyah at the canteen.
So later go up 2gether.
Then later learn Magic again.
I so happy.
Later,got competition.
Aces group won.
I in Hearts group.
But is we help them win one.
Cause if we never lose then they will not win.
Time to say BB to mentors already.
We all so sad.
Lucky got E-mail ad Handphone no.
Maybe we meeting them one last time on dun know when.
They gave us cards.
I gonna put them on my table so can see everyday.

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6:16 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, May 23, 2008

Did not wanna blog actually.
As you can see,these few days I have not been blogging.
Today,last day of school lehs.
For term 2 lah.
Obviously not whole year.
If not,I will jump for joy.
The whole school not studying at all.
All playing.
Me also lor.
Me and Yin Ci kept on running up and down.
We also went to Mr Neo chinese class.
The children there all so cute.
We teach them + and - leh.
Then later Mrs Kua came.
Then she ask us to go and find teacher.
So we go level 1 and 2.
Then the teacher not there.
So we went back to class.
Then later we go and find all the pupils that were not in class.
So run from level 1 to 6 maybe 3 to 5 times???
By this time,many people should be tired enough.
My whole June holiday like so packed.
Cannot call holiday le.
But still not as packed as some people.
Today,also very messy.
I dun even know that all CCA canceled.
Then my CCA still got.
Anyway,I went to usher.
Stay until like 4.30???
Watched the perfomances.
But we watched before.
So quite boring lah.

6:56 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, May 17, 2008

So happy and sad.
Sad cause my so-called aunty went to hospital.
But tomorrow can come out le.
Now,I cannot express my happiness.
Yesterday,we won the pouring water challenge.
We were like shouting madly.
Hip-Hip,Hooray-3 times.
Qi Hua team B lost.
And they cheat.
When the person say stop.
The last gurl go and pour water in.
But in the end,we still won by 200ml.
Mr Neo say will treat us ti ice-cream.
Dun know wether real or not.
They lost then go and say our shirt ugly.
We got 2nd challenge leh.
Dun know wat.
And got 1 lady there.
First,she say why we put back the cups.
Then,she ask us to take back.
Then,later,she collect again.
We kanna come back late cause got so many NG shots.
The hosts fault.
And that lady also so irritating.
Our school cheer is so much nicer and louder although we got lesser people.
Qi Hua only see so so,see so so,ACT CUTE.
They evn gave us free druns.
We dun need to bring,dun need beat.
They help us.
Went to eat Italian food with my 2 aunts.
Very nice.
And got a guy fliping 3 pizzas aroung the restaurant.
He expert le.
Very cool leh.
Came back so late.
Today,stay at home.
So happy.
Can play com whole day.
But will not lah.


8:17 PM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just finished chinese tuition.
Tuition teacher kept on talking about China Earthquake.
I also pity the people there alot.
Mynammar too.
Something really is going wrong with the world.
My Science is so really bad.
It's 61.5/100.
I know very bad.
Must really work harder.
Yesterday never blog.
Got the Challenge practice.
Alot of water spilled.
Me and R-N with the P3 group.
I feel so uneasy.
But got used to them.
On competition day,we will be 1 big group.
Hope we win lehs.
Today,got say"no"talk.
Very boring.
But just listen lor.
Was playing cards at duty point.
Naresh came and saw.
He say we never do duty.
I was doing lor.
Anyway also got nobody.
Now,in class also cannot play.
How sad.
Just keep thinking about the disasters.
Very sad lehs.


3:32 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hey out there!
Today got my results.
Very unexpected for Maths.
But English and Science was expected.
Chinese and Higher Chinese was not too bad.
Let's tell the marks out now.
No offence and nothing much to lose.
Can only do better next time,right?
Maths:80/100(thought will do worse)
Booklet B not out for Science but Booklet A is bad enough.
Science Booklet A:36/60(???)
Shout out loud!!!
Mother never scold though.
Can only do better lor.
Played Speed with Y-C and Phoebe.
They quite fast.
Y-C especially.
I very slow sehs.
Cause very sad by my marks.
So happy no need to stay back for supplmentry.
Teacher sick.
Teacher,faster get well!
Wish my bestie and pupils going to Nanjing:Safe trip and be happy there.


1:01 AM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, May 12, 2008

Here again!
Today is like staying at home.
Meaning no school.
But I was at my aunty's house like the whole day???
Making cards???
She is rather art and craft though.
Well,she was at work today.
Made a so-called flower for my mum.
And a card for Cheryl too.
Her birthday has passed though.
But at least late is better than never.
Had tuition.
No homework and like I am so happy.
Mom chasing me to go.


7:25 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hey Gals!
Today is Mother's Day.
I never get my mom present.
All exams fault.
Went to Century Square today.
The neo-print shop there clos lehs.
So sad,right???
Watched Ironman.
Not bad lah.
Reapeat of Spiderman 3???
Almost the same lehs.
Both also got Heroe,gurl,another so-called heroe.
But the real Heroe won in the end.
Ate Swensens Ice cream.
Ben and Jerry's nicer lehs.
Tomorrow got no school.
Must say thanks to the SYF members.
Waiting here for people to come online lehs.


3:51 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, May 9, 2008

Yeah!I am like so happy!
Wanted to do my skin yesterday.
But the laptob was just so slow and the internet got problem.
Could still chat,though.
Exams are like so finally over.
It should be a happy day.
However,someone just made me fell so irritated.
That person is *-*(shall not expose name)
Me,Y-C and J-X were playing cards with *-* and her cards.
We were playing speed.
At first, I kept on winning cause I was fast.
Then Y-C.
So*-* not happy.
Then,******* help her.
So she keep on winning
They keep on laughing.
Then I win again.
I help her,she ask me to keep my hands of the table cause very messy.
Then when ******* help her,she say thank you.
But also got alot of hands wat.
What's her problem larh?
We dun wanna play with her anymore.
Then she say she wanna play.
Her cards,so we give back top her then nobody to play with her anymore.
Afterall,only ******* sides her.
Later got shooting,then she whole day stick to her (daddy)
Want to be first,want to be everything.
Her (daddy) will give her one lah.
When everything finish.
The mediacorp people want to interview people.
So got two people,Jon and Jia Qing always ask question.
So the mediacorp interview them.
Then got 3 boys also help to carry water,so also got interviewed.
Then *-*,***** and ***** go and say they wanna be interviewed.
Just because they might go on TV.
They just wanna be famous.
And I forgot.
During lunch,*-* dun wanna sit with us cause she cheat and we say so.
So she angry.
It's a game,she slow,I fast.
She cannot ask other people to help her.
It's just cause she cannot win us.
Dun know wats wrong with her.
One look at her,and I know every thing she does.

10:23 PM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I am soo... gonna do like badly in my Science exams.
I dun know like a lot.
Many of them is I guess one.
At the last period,*** *** came in.
Guess who is that???
Well,it's the teacher that Alefiyah *****
She actually forgot her name,wow???!!!
Maybe,cause she ***** her.
We played her so-called simon says.
Some people think it's fun.
Some people dun,(like me)
Her game is like when i say THIS and show a action means you do it.
If I say THAT but do the action,you dun do it or u will lose.
I will sit down when it's the first THAT.
And the boys always win cause they want the chocolate???!!!
SHe goes:girls,you must try hard,do not loose to the boys,haiya!
I guess that's something we should use in life???!!!
Some of my friends,one minute say that it is fun.
Next minute say it is lame.
What are they thinking???!!!
Some of them say they dun wanna win but still go on playing and then when they lose they say finally.
Weird people in my class???!!!
Tomorrow is my last exam and I am so happy.
Sad at the same time.
I still need to study.
And it is only for Higher Mother Tongue students.
I very(xian mu) the people who do not have to take Higher Mother Tongue or rather not take.
Wish me good luck for tomorrows exam.
I need it very much.

2:59 AM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I just felt that I needed to blog 4 a reason.
Seriously because about exams.
I am suppose to be studying.
I control myself to.
But exams are just something worthy to blog for.
English was 50-50,so-so.
The compre cloze was hard though.
Maths is just like cracking everyone's brain.
Except for people who have the answer's and are experts.
Especially Section C.
It's bad,that's all I can say.
Still have my chinese,science and higher chinese too.
Alefiyah,Hui Qi and JOcelyn just me and each other LOL.
There goes so-called stress.
Telling myself:go study!

12:42 AM sprinklinq love Y

Welcome to
Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-

Ngee Ann Primary School
5 Unity

Everlastiinq Friends
Everlastiinq Love
Everlastiinq Family
Loves neo-printing
Loves bubble tea
Loves new things

act cool people
act cute people
irritating people

Take NEO wif friends
More Clothes
More Bags
1st - Merlinda's burfdae
8th - Kor's burfdae
30th - Bammby's burfdae
12th - Mona's burfdae
20th - Alefiyah's burfdae
24th - Shannon's burfdae
28th - Sarah and Ms Tan's burfdae
8th - Cheryl's burfdae
22th - Eleen's burfdae
31th - Hui Qi and Twin sis burfdae
2nd - my burfdae
9th - Phoebe's burfdae
12th - Jasmine's burfdae
23rd - Mom's burfdae
30th - Rae Nyse's burfdae
3rd - Jie's burfdae
15th - Hai Xin's burfdae
28th - Yin Ci's burfdae
13th - Jocelyn's burfdae
24th - Dad's burfdae


Cbox web: Cbox

Adele Alefiyah Brenda Cheryl Claire Dacie Darelle Deborah Eleen Faith Hai Xin Hui Qi Jennifer Jia Xin Jing En Jocelyn Jolene Kai Shyan Khairyani Kimberly Lucia Micaela Monik Pamela Rae Nyse SarahLing Sean Seika Wen Shan Wan Wen Wen Qing Ya Qi Yuning
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
June 2009


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