Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sry,I never blog.

I'm blogging fer Sunday cause it was kinda of fun.
Morning until afternoon was like okae larhhs.
Same as any other Sunday's lorhh.
Then at night went out to eat a big dinner at Long Beach at East Coast.
Had one chilli crab and one black pepper crab.
Man tou,vegetables with garlic,I think.
Then still got desert and noodles,not missing the friend thinggy(currently I 4got wat it is).

3:44 AM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, September 19, 2008

I woke up at like 9 or 9+.
The later play PSP.
The I went to bathe.
And now I am blogging.
My saturdae's are always very boring one lah.
Cause only when I am in school then got fun wif my classmates and so on.
So I shall blog till here.

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8:35 PM sprinklinq love Y

Hiies to everyone that is reading this message.

It started wif any other Friday.
Had morning drill.
Me and Shannon were the first to go up.
Then we out down our bags then started walking round and round the whole school.
Then when we walk to outside the staff room,I shouted:"Hi,Miss Tan"
But she did not hear.
She just walked in.
Then later,we went back to class.
And I created a new name for LTK.
It's Kee Lae Tyung.
But now I dun call him that name le.
Then we walk again.
I wanted hide from L-C when she came.
So I called her name then I hid behind a wall.
But she saw me so I cannot hide anymore.
Then we one grp of gurls(Me,LC,JX,HQ,Shannon,)outside the class teasing LTK.
Then Miss Tan came.
MOrning dril+class was so boring.
Then later lessons went on and on and on.
After reccess,we went to the AV theater or the SUDUKU thinggy.
I finished like 2.
The first one I do wrong 2 times so I gave up.
Then I finished the second and hird one,it was quite easy.
Then when I was doing the last one,they say must stop le.
Nobody finshed all.
About 2 or 3 finished 3.
About 10to 20 finished 2.
Then the rest finish 1 to 1 and a half.
So I still counted okay larhhs.
Then went back to class and lssons went on and on.
When it going to be the end of school,a lot of people run off and go le.
Then Mrs Kua very angry cause if any thing appens to themshe will get into trouble.
She only say line up never say can go.
Then me,YC and Cheryl went for CC.
Jordan and some P4 kid(I think it's his bro),according to Lin Lao Shi go and splash ink onto the wall and it's all black now.
Then after that I went to play badminton wif Cheryl.
RN,LC and Ale were there.
Mr Neo too.
Then at the end RN went to find Mr Neo.
So we oso go lor.
Cause we wanted to walk together and take same bus.
Then he tell her to go out.
So we go and find Mrs Kua and Miss Tan.
Miss Tan was walking behind us but I did not know until RN said Hi Ms Tan.
Then I say,then LC say.
So Ms Tan reply like Hi huever one by one.
Then we saw Ms Tan's condo.
Quite tall larhhs.
She said if she dun make uf file them,it would be much taller.
Then later when RN tok to Mr Neo finish le.
Already quite late le.
Then when we were walking in the bridge,31 passed.
Then LC say she can't be bothered to chase.
But when we reached the bus-stop,31 came.
So we were very happy.
Then I got down later and after 5mins,38 came.
At night,I was so tired,I went to sleep.

8:12 PM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I can't help but comment on this song.
IT's called YiZhiDouZai.
Jas likes it too.
It just RAWKS.
Everytime I on the com(seldom these days),I must go to youtube to listen to it.
Youtube and not imeem cause the pictures RAWK too.
I am like crazy to this song for now.
But I just can't find the song on MyFlash.
So I never post it.
Even when my sis is on the com.
I will go to youtube when she not around and listen to it.
Anyway she oso likes it mah.
It's sung by Huang Qiming.
I know it's the second time I'm posting about it.
Actually I am suppose to do the project now but I do almost all le mah.
I just left with the first Q(which R-N said she wil help me but she did not)
and I have to cut out the pics and paste.
Cause I dun know where my grp members found them and I did a new piece what.
I managed to squeez it in 1 page.
Actually,I did not squeez,it was just meant to be.
Anyway,the day started off as any other day.
Then during reccess,everybody kept going to my duty point and when I make them leave,a minute later,they come back.
I get so irritated by them larhhs.
Why can't they go and play at some other place.
I will go and tell Mr Neo one day.
I just can't bear.
After all,they are my friends,rite.
But I will certainly do it for the sake of being a prefect and oso that I can do duty in peace there.
I already shout at them lorhhs.
Then later had English.
At the end of English,we were like playing this game where a marker was anything but a marker.
Then you have to say all the previous things that the other people said.
So hard to remember so everyone copy down lorhhs.
Then at the end got art.
Braxton behave like dun know wat,kept on running around the class.
Miss Kuah said his behaviour is...
To me,it's bad.
Todae,this person pissed me off.
I shan't put about HER!!!
It will only destroy the image of my blog.


6:02 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Today morning I woke up at like 8.15am.
Then later my mom went out and bought McDonald's ice cream for me.
I long time never eat le,that's why.
I am hearing this super nice song.
But I just can't seem to like post it.
I will post it soon.
It's a chinese song and the show is from Monday to Friday 7pm to 8pm.
It's called Love Is All Around.
Now I kinda of need to do work if not I will rush 2nite again.


11:34 PM sprinklinq love Y

I left my house 5 mins early.
Then when I went down,bus 12 came.
So I was so happy.
Cause if I miss then I would have to wait 20 mins.
Then later I change bus to bus 31.
I went to meet Ale at the bubble tea shop.
I bought milk tea.
It just soothed my mouth.
Then,we saw Monik.
She came
with her sis.
Then she treat Ale dun treat me.
Then we went to 7-eleven.
Monik treated us to packet of sweets.
Then we were walking in the wropng direction.
I told Ale while we were walking but she was busy talking to Monik.
Then after walking a long distance,she realized she was walking the wrong way.
So we walked back all the way to Ale's house.
We went in and started talking in the room.
And playing com too.
We did a bit of work lah.
Then after like awhile,I had to leave.
Ale walked with me halfway then I walk on my own.
I was really early.
About 12mins early.
Then later,Cheryl came.
Jordan,me and Cheryl were walking around for like 15 mins before the teacher came.
Then we had our dinner.
It consisted of squid,prawn,veg, sauce,rice and chicken.
I did not eat the prawns and egg yolk.
I dun eat them.
The later we started to write.
Jordan's was so nice so he was attracting all the attention.
That is some thing very good.
Cause at least people will not look at me and CHeryl.
We were sitting on the other side.
Then later Mrs Pawa oso came to write.
Her's quite nice lah.
Then later,Sarah,Jas and Phoebe came.
I force Jas to write.
Afterall,she was a former student.
Then at 7.30pm,we could stop writing.
I was so happy.
Later got all the perfomances.
There was CO,Latern Costume Dressing,Peeling Pomolo Competition.
During all those things,we went walking around the whole school.
So fun lorhs with all of them.
Then later got the Latern Waking thinggy.
So only Jas and Sarah got lantern.
We walk until Mr Neo there.
Then we stood there and started talking to him.
So fun.
Then when everybody go le,we turned back and walked to school.
There was this really cute little boy.
He was playing with us.
It was just FUN,FUN,FUN!!!

Today was like any other Saturday.
I woke up at around 10.35am.
Super late.
Then I watched TV until 1.30pm.
Then,I went to bathe.
At around 1.59pm,My mom came home with McDonald's.
So happy eating that.
Then at 2.45pm,I had to go to church for cathechism classes.
Super boring and noisy.
Left three more weeks then dun need to go le.
Then,went to church.
Then went to Grandma's house.
Then came home.
Now,I am chatting to R-N.

6:26 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sorry,long time never blog le.
Anyway,I added pictures and a friends test.
Hope you people like it.
Today,there's no school cause of PSLE LC.
Wish all the P6 gd luck although it might be a little late now.
Later I'm going to Ale's house.
To play,not to do work.
But I am going to some though.
So that I will not have to suffer at home.
After that,I will be going to the Mid Autum Festival at my school.
Dun know how it will be like this year cause I oso went last year.
Think it will be the same cause I am going for the same reason as last year.
Hope it will be.
Todae will be short post.
I am goin to eat lunch,pasta.

9:50 PM sprinklinq love Y

Welcome to
Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-

Ngee Ann Primary School
5 Unity

Everlastiinq Friends
Everlastiinq Love
Everlastiinq Family
Loves neo-printing
Loves bubble tea
Loves new things

act cool people
act cute people
irritating people

Take NEO wif friends
More Clothes
More Bags
1st - Merlinda's burfdae
8th - Kor's burfdae
30th - Bammby's burfdae
12th - Mona's burfdae
20th - Alefiyah's burfdae
24th - Shannon's burfdae
28th - Sarah and Ms Tan's burfdae
8th - Cheryl's burfdae
22th - Eleen's burfdae
31th - Hui Qi and Twin sis burfdae
2nd - my burfdae
9th - Phoebe's burfdae
12th - Jasmine's burfdae
23rd - Mom's burfdae
30th - Rae Nyse's burfdae
3rd - Jie's burfdae
15th - Hai Xin's burfdae
28th - Yin Ci's burfdae
13th - Jocelyn's burfdae
24th - Dad's burfdae


Cbox web: Cbox

Adele Alefiyah Brenda Cheryl Claire Dacie Darelle Deborah Eleen Faith Hai Xin Hui Qi Jennifer Jia Xin Jing En Jocelyn Jolene Kai Shyan Khairyani Kimberly Lucia Micaela Monik Pamela Rae Nyse SarahLing Sean Seika Wen Shan Wan Wen Wen Qing Ya Qi Yuning
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
June 2009


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