Saturday, November 29, 2008

I cant seem to blog about my holidae cos I 4got almost everything.
So I always stop halfway.
I shall wait till I have the camera with me so that I can look at the photos and recap.
Just so that I can blog.
So I am gonna blog about yesterday first.
Yesterdae went to church in the evening.
Then at night went to my Aunt's wedding anniversary dinner.
It was kinda of fun.
Drank about 2 or 3 glasses of champange(some pink one),it's really nice to drink.
Then oso drank about 1 glass of maskato.
Then fer starters had goat cheese.
According to cousin.
Then fer main course got Rib Eye.
It rocks.
Really chewy and delicious.
Then fer dessert had White Chocolate Pyramid.
It was kinda of nice too.
Before the main course oso had fire works.
Quite nice.
Then came home at like 12+
Then bathe and went to sleep cos really tired.
Shall blog till here.
There's nothin interesting about today.


10:39 PM sprinklinq love Y

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hi everybody!
I am in Japan,Hokkaido.
My bro brought his com so I am blogging.
It's so fun but I'd rather be at home.
Home is the best place.
Let's start talking about my trip here.
Came on Saturday.
Spent like almost the whole day just flying here.
Got two flights.
Took Ana.
Both flights,when it landed.
My ears were like so pain.
It's really not like that on other flights.
Dun noe why so pain.
On Sunday,went to some factory outlets.
Actually I tot it was more of shopping.
The place was really big.
Nice to shop and quite cheap.
I bought a pair of shoes and a long sleeve shirt.
Then went to eat lunch.
It was seafood.
There was this salmon scallop.
It was nice.
And oso said to be that the sashimi was really very good.
Then went to some Ainu thinggy.
It was okae lah.
Then at night went for hot bath.
It's really very nice.
Makes your skin feel very good.
And blood circulation also.

4:36 AM sprinklinq love Y

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Going overseas 2moro.
Goin to Hokkaido.
Should be quite fun.
Hope it snows.
I have never seen snow before.
dun think I will be able to sleep 2nite.
It happens everytime the nite before I am going on a holiday.
Guess cos I will be too excited.
Sis just came back from Japan.
She bought lots of things.
But has like no idea wat she bought.
Yesterday was a really busy day.
At 11 am in the morning had tution until 12.30
Then Aunty came to fetch me and bro.
Cousin was there too.
Went to Raffles City,Swiss Hotel to eat buffet lunch
Met my other Aunt there.
Then after lunch.
My cousin went to my other Aunt's house.
Me and bro followed Aunt to the market to buy some yellow thing called Dikon fer making sushi.
Then my bro got my Aunt to drive him around.
First went to Heren.
Then went to Plaza Singapura.
Both to collect vouchers.
So me and Aunt went to Prescious Thoughts.
Got something really cute fer my other Aunt.
And oso got two calenders fer me and sis.
It's really cute.
Then went to Aunt's house to make sushi while bro went to meet his friend to pass the vouchers.
Then later he oso came to Aunt's house.
Then at 6.30,Dad called to say go back and change.
So I walked back home.
I was so dirty.
Then went to my other cousin's house fer party.
About a month ago was their birthday actually.
And my other cousin(in States)birthday too.
But she did not come back.
Actually yester day was really my Uncle's mom birthday.
And today is my Aunt's birthday.
So many birthday's.
Altogether in my family,there are about 7 November babies.
Why so many in November?
And there's Jocelyn too.
So fun.
Then they have a cat and dog.
The cat's called cookie.
And the dog's called Charlie.
The cat is really active.
It jumped over a fence and ran out of the house 2 times.
Then oso went down to their basement to play Wii.
I did not play.
They played Mario and sports.
It was just super fun.
Then came home quite early.
At I think 10 or 11+.
Cos next day all the adults have to go to work.
That's why I like party's on Sat.
Then can play as late as I want to.
The latest when we can play is only on X'mas and New Year and CNY.
Cos whole family goes fer sunset Mass.
Okae shall blog till here.
F.Y.I,will be away fer 1 wk.
So will not be blogging.


9:44 PM sprinklinq love Y

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Was viewing other people's blog.
Then bagan to feel very bored.
So came blogging.
Now that it is the hols,feeling really bored.
I did not do hw.
Tomorrow then do lahs.
Anyway,yesterday I had very bad sore throat i the morning.
At night,dad brought me to see Mr Dr.
Mr Dr sdaid I had an throat infection and slight fever.
So I am counted as sick.
I suddenly tot of somethin too.
Was seeing someone's blog.
When I saw Mr Goh doing something funny or rather at least acting funny to me.
So,I hope he will be my form teacher next year.
And Maths teacher too.
I did not like him when I was P3.
Cos I did not like science and he was teaching me science.
Actually he was kinda funny sometimes.
But sometimes really boring.
But after PSLE.
He is a full-time funny person.
And also,to all P6.
Gd luck on PSLE results.
Now,I suddenly love this really old song.
By Vannesa Anne Hudgens,Make you mine.
I noe it's really old but just love it.

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6:45 AM sprinklinq love Y

Sunday, November 16, 2008

This is my second time blogging today.
The first one was more on yesterday.
And it was blogged in the morning so mothing much to say just now.
Went to PP first.
Wanted to buy a jacket from WINTER TIME.
I went on behalf for my sis cos she did not have 1 and she did not bring this time.
Have to pack clothes for sis too.
Then PP WINTER TIME too ex le.
So we ate at SAKAE SUSHI and then went to EASTPOINT WINTERTIME.
Then we bought this jacket at like $68.
Cos it is old stock.
Anyway it is gd enough to keep me warm can les.
Then oso bought socks and gloves.
Went to DAILY FRESH to buy this thing called fruit kimo.
I bought Mango flavour.
Super nice lorhhs.
Came home and found many more socks.
Forgot to mention,there was this lady at WNITER TIME.
She saw $48 as 48degrees.
Then I was laughing fer like a few minutes.
Sis just called.
So happy to see her.
Cant wait fer her to come back.
And oso fer us to go to Japan.
Got to start packing soon.

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5:04 AM sprinklinq love Y

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ellos:]People out there:]
Gd news here:]
I got in the finals of the Sudoku competition.
I was the only one from Ngee Ann.
Sad that there was no one else.
I had to stay with Miss Tay fer the next 2hrs30mins.
So in the end she treated me to peach soda at coffee club.
She bought a sudoku bk fer me.
It was called SEE STARS.
After me and Ms Tay doing that bk(one puzzle)fer like 1hr+,she said she was really seeing stars.
Unfortunately,I did not win.
Did not expect to win either.
Ther were 50 over primary students lehs.
The winner(Gabriel Gan) got 426/427.
The teacher was beside me and his reaction was like ...(dun noe how to say)
I might say he scared me.
Or rather I thought he acted a little bit too ...(crazy over winning $500)
The Secondary school winner was even better.
Some guy from Hua Chong Institution got full marks.
So I went fer 6.30pm mass and ended up not being able to go to my granny's house.
Me and my family went to eat at this shop called TABLETOP.
The teriyaki chicken was like ... (super nice)
At least I think so.
At night, when I went back home,I was doing Sudoku.
After one day of it,I could not believe myself.
But I was doing the easy one to relieve stress.
If I won the $2000,I think I will be doing it now too as it has won money fer me.
But not,so I am like so ... (crazy) like the teacher.
This morning I got up at like 9+.
Then just watch TV.
And now I am blogging.
Nothing else to blog about le.


8:01 PM sprinklinq love Y

Friday, November 14, 2008

So long never blog again.
These few days too tired and lazy to blog.
Came blogging today as sis went to Japan and I am a little bored.
When she comes back from Japan(Mihama)in one week time,she will be going to Japan(Hokkaido)with my family the next day.
She is so lucky.
Just went to the airport to sent her off.
The Jumble sale was like quite well.
My class(5 Unity)won.
We earned about $598.
Anyway the main point is to help the needy students and I am glad to do so.
Then we had to give out the badges and cards yesterday.
Me and Jas was suppose to be in charge of 5 Love and 1 Love but Mrs Chew took 1 Unity and we ended up with no teacher.
We had to go with 5 Unity boys.
Cos Miss Teo chose them.
They did not want to buddy the P1s so it was really hard.
The P1 kept on Prefect here,Prefect that.
Me and Jas just could not control the situation.
Tomorrow will be going fer the Mediacorp Marigold Suduku challenge.
I hope I will get into the finals but I dun think I will cos it's really very hard.
Gd luch to my fellow mates.
Todae was last day of school(p5)
I dun noe y but this year I am so not happy at all.
Maybe cos I will be P6 next year and it is going to be so stressful.
So I must studay really hard and relax.
Oso,goodbye to all P6.
Gd luck in yur Sec schools.


6:18 AM sprinklinq love Y

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's been a while since I have blogged.
Chattin with Ale now.
Want to watch TV but chet with Ale awhile lorhhs.
I really pity HQ from what I read from Ale blog.
These few days we have been spent playing.
Maybe I could just say I am tired of playing.
Tomorrow is gonna be so fun.
In the mornin,will be goin to Suntec.
Comin back oni b4 recces.
So can skip chinese,maths.
But then still got art.
I hope Miss Kuah does not do the design thinggy again.
Cos my thinggy is squashed and I threw away the leaf.
If she does it,I will have to spend a long time cutting again.
Miss Kuah art is really nice but hard to do.
She has the talent and skills when I do not.
Then after school we are gonna make badges and cards fer the Good Neighbour Day thinggy.
IT's gonna be so much fun.
Provided it goes out well.
And I really hope it does.
I am just really bored these few days.
And I have to admit.
That I really sleep a lot these few days.
Got nothin to do so sleep lorhs.
But then must still do a bit of work.
I think I gtg now.


5:04 AM sprinklinq love Y

Welcome to
Love is like a river,
will cut a new path;
whenever it meets an obstacle.
-Crystal Middlemas-

Ngee Ann Primary School
5 Unity

Everlastiinq Friends
Everlastiinq Love
Everlastiinq Family
Loves neo-printing
Loves bubble tea
Loves new things

act cool people
act cute people
irritating people

Take NEO wif friends
More Clothes
More Bags
1st - Merlinda's burfdae
8th - Kor's burfdae
30th - Bammby's burfdae
12th - Mona's burfdae
20th - Alefiyah's burfdae
24th - Shannon's burfdae
28th - Sarah and Ms Tan's burfdae
8th - Cheryl's burfdae
22th - Eleen's burfdae
31th - Hui Qi and Twin sis burfdae
2nd - my burfdae
9th - Phoebe's burfdae
12th - Jasmine's burfdae
23rd - Mom's burfdae
30th - Rae Nyse's burfdae
3rd - Jie's burfdae
15th - Hai Xin's burfdae
28th - Yin Ci's burfdae
13th - Jocelyn's burfdae
24th - Dad's burfdae


Cbox web: Cbox

Adele Alefiyah Brenda Cheryl Claire Dacie Darelle Deborah Eleen Faith Hai Xin Hui Qi Jennifer Jia Xin Jing En Jocelyn Jolene Kai Shyan Khairyani Kimberly Lucia Micaela Monik Pamela Rae Nyse SarahLing Sean Seika Wen Shan Wan Wen Wen Qing Ya Qi Yuning
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
June 2009


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